Thank you for choosing me!
Chrytatywna Choinka




Schronisko Azyl Biała Podlaska

Hello, my name is Bonus, I am a mature Amstaff type dog. I lost my house when my landlord lost her social housing. I was neglected, I was constantly kept in my apartment and not taken for walks. Initially, I trusted the volunteers at the shelter, I went for walks with them, let them pet me and I thought that things would only get better. Unfortunately, the condition of my paws forced them to keep me in solitary confinement. It caused me frustration, and I took it out on volunteers and employees. Now I'm taken out by one trusted employee who wasn't scared by my actions. My paws still give me problems, they hurt and swell. I am humble and I don't ask for much, only help so that I can live in comfort and without pain.

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